Top 5 Laundry Service Providers: Why Laundrylicious Stands Out

When it comes to outsourcing your laundry, the market is brimming with options, each promising convenience and quality. But not all laundry service providers are created equal. To help you make an informed choice, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 laundry service providers, with a spotlight on why Laundrylicious stands out as the best among them.


At the top of our list is Laundrylicious, a laundry service provider that truly lives up to its name. What sets Laundrylicious apart is its unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. With flexible scheduling, professional care, competitive pricing, and a user-friendly mobile app, Laundrylicious offers a laundry experience that’s hard to beat. They prioritize the convenience and well-being of their customers, making them the best choice for busy families and individuals.


Cleanly is another popular laundry service provider known for its quality service and easy-to-use app. They offer pickup and delivery options, making it convenient for customers. However, some users have reported occasional issues with order accuracy and timing, which can be a deal-breaker for those seeking a seamless laundry experience.


Laundrapp is a laundry service available in several countries, offering pickup and delivery services. While they have a user-friendly app, their pricing can be on the higher side, which may not be the most budget-friendly option for everyone.


Washio, once a prominent player in the laundry service industry, ceased operations in 2016. While it was known for its convenience and app-based service, this closure serves as a reminder of the importance of choosing a reliable and well-established provider like Laundrylicious.

Tide Cleaners:

Tide Cleaners, associated with the renowned detergent brand Tide, offers laundry services in various locations. While their association with a trusted brand is a plus, their pricing can be relatively high compared to Laundrylicious. Additionally, not all areas have access to Tide Cleaners, limiting their availability.

Now that we’ve introduced you to the top laundry service providers, let’s revisit why Laundrylicious stands out as the best choice:

Customer-Centric Approach: Laundrylicious prioritizes its customers’ needs, offering flexible scheduling and responsive support.

Professional Care: Your clothes are treated with the utmost care, ensuring they look and feel their best.

Competitive Pricing: Laundrylicious provides cost-effective solutions, allowing you to save money while enjoying top-notch service.

User-Friendly Experience: The Laundrylicious mobile app makes scheduling and managing your laundry a breeze, enhancing your overall experience.

Reliability: Laundrylicious has a proven track record of reliability, ensuring your laundry needs are consistently met.

When it comes to choosing a laundry service provider, Laundrylicious clearly stands out as the best option. With a strong commitment to customer satisfaction, professional care, competitive pricing, and a user-friendly experience, Laundrylicious is your go-to partner for hassle-free laundry services. Say goodbye to laundry day stress and hello to the convenience and quality that Laundrylicious brings to your doorstep. Sign up today and experience the Laundrylicious difference for yourself.

Self-Care in Minutes: Ideas for self-care practices that busy working moms can integrate into their daily routines without taking up too much time

In the whirlwind of juggling work, family, and household chores, self-care often takes a backseat for busy working moms. The never-ending laundry piles and the constant demands of daily life can make finding time for self-care seem like an impossible task. However, self-care doesn’t always have to be a time-consuming endeavor. In fact, there are plenty of self-care practices that busy moms can easily integrate into their daily routines without sacrificing precious minutes.

Laundry Hack #1: The Laundry Meditation

Let’s start with something many of us busy moms are intimately familiar with – laundry. Instead of viewing laundry as a chore, why not turn it into a mindful practice? The Laundry Meditation is a simple yet effective way to sneak in some self-care while tackling the never-ending laundry loads.

Breathe and Center: As you gather your laundry, take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and center yourself. Feel the rhythm of your breath and let go of any stress or tension.

Focus on the Senses: While loading the laundry, pay attention to your senses. Notice the texture of the fabrics, the warmth of the dryer, and the soothing sound of the washing machine. Engaging your senses can be a grounding experience.

Mindful Folding: When it’s time to fold clothes, do it mindfully. Pay attention to each piece of clothing as you fold it. Try to fold with intention and care, as if you’re wrapping a precious gift.

The Laundry Meditation is an excellent way to infuse a mundane task with a sense of calm and self-awareness. Plus, it’s a perfect reminder that self-care doesn’t always require extra time – it’s about being present in the moment.

Quick Morning Yoga Routine

Before the day spirals into chaos, take a few minutes for a mini yoga session. You don’t need to be a seasoned yogi to benefit from these simple stretches. Just five minutes of gentle yoga can set a positive tone for the day.

Child’s Pose: Begin in a kneeling position, then sit back on your heels, extending your arms in front of you. Breathe deeply, stretching your spine and releasing tension in your back and shoulders.

Cat-Cow Stretch: Move into a tabletop position, and as you inhale, arch your back (Cow Pose). As you exhale, round your back (Cat Pose). Repeat this flow a few times to awaken your spine.

Forward Bend: Stand up and fold forward at your hips, reaching toward your toes or shins. This stretch releases tension in the hamstrings and lower back.

Warrior Pose: Step one foot back into a lunge, extending your arms overhead. Feel strong and empowered as you hold this pose for a few breaths, then switch to the other side.

Savasana: Lie down on your back, close your eyes, and take a moment for relaxation. Focus on your breath, allowing any stress to melt away.

These quick yoga stretches can be done in mere minutes, yet they can improve your mood, reduce stress, and give you a sense of physical well-being.

Laundry Hack #2: The Laundry Escape

Yes, we’re back to laundry again, but this time, we’re turning it into an escape. While waiting for the washing machine or dryer to finish, seize the opportunity to engage in some self-care.

Read a Book: Keep a book nearby and dive into a few pages while you wait. It’s a great way to escape into another world, even if only briefly.

Mindful Breathing: Practice deep breathing or mindfulness meditation. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, letting go of any worries.

Listen to Music or a Podcast: Put on your favorite music or listen to an inspiring podcast episode. Music has the power to uplift your mood, while podcasts can be both entertaining and informative.

Stretch It Out: Use this time to do a few gentle stretches to release tension in your body.

By turning laundry time into a self-care opportunity, you’re not only getting the chores done but also giving yourself a well-deserved break.

Laundry Hack #3: The Laundry-Powered Affirmations

One more laundry hack for the road! This one is all about infusing your laundry routine with positivity.

Affirmation Time: As you fold or sort laundry, recite positive affirmations silently or aloud. Affirmations can boost your mood and motivation.

Gratitude Practice: While handling each piece of clothing, express gratitude for the moments and experiences associated with it. Gratitude can shift your perspective and create a sense of joy.

Visualize a Calm Space: Imagine your laundry room as a serene sanctuary. Visualize it as a place where you can find calm and recharge, even amidst the laundry chaos.

These laundry-powered affirmations can turn a mundane task into a mindful and uplifting experience.

In conclusion, busy working moms, while balancing the demands of work, family, and laundry, can still find moments for self-care. Whether it’s infusing laundry time with mindfulness, practicing quick yoga stretches, or using laundry waits as self-care breaks, these small efforts can make a big difference in maintaining mental and emotional well-being. Remember, self-care doesn’t always require large chunks of time – it’s about finding moments throughout the day to nurture yourself and recharge your spirit. So go ahead, embrace these self-care practices in minutes, and make each day a bit more balanced and joyful.

Laundry Service keeping your garments clean during Covid-19

What a changes are happening in the world we live in.
It’s surreal!
The team at Laundrylicious cannot sit back and watch this happen.
We are here to support you and make sure your laundry and specialty garments are being cleaned and, especially now, sanitized.

We are making a few changes internally to keep your laundry clean and return it virus-free by doing the following:
– our drivers will wear gloves and at certain locations may wear face masks.
– please put the bags out in front of your door/on the ground as much as possible so our driver and you can avoid contact and keep a distance.
– All bags will be washed, hampers will not be picked up anymore, unless they can be fully washed.
– Our facilities are being sanitized multiple times/day.
– We are currently not accepting any hangers to recycle nor your hangers to reuse as we cannot sanitize those.
– Alterations – we require all alterations to be sanitized trough either wet cleaning, dry cleaning or pressing, including new-with-tag garments.

How we are already keeping your laundry virus-free:
– We use high quality specialty detergent, like washing your hands in soap, detergent will get rid of virus molecules on your clothing
– Heat above 167 degrees will kill viruses, we have our temperatures in the dryers all set to 170 degrees.
– If garments are not going in the dryers, but are being pressed, the heat of the presses is approximately 275 degrees.

Laundry and garment care are essential services (classified by the government) during this time to help individuals, families and organizations fight the corona-virus together, and Laundrylicious is committed to help support you in this battle. We are the largest provider of dry cleaning for law enforcement in Southern California servicing police departments, and California high way patrol across Orange County and LA county, and we will continue to do so during this time.

Feel free to reach out with any questions. Stay safe, stay clean!

-The Laundrylicious team

HR Benefits for your mom-employees: give them more time at home


It is a problem many HR managers struggle with. Companies have invested years into the careers of high-achieving women, and suddenly they leave the workplace because of family planning and they have to get replaced.

Becoming a mom is a big life changer, and no matter how well you prepare yourself for it, you can’t prepare until you have made that transition.

And moms get overwhelmed and tired trying to do it all, now with a baby on their hands.

When they decide that they can’t do it all, often their career gets pushed aside.

Continue reading “HR Benefits for your mom-employees: give them more time at home”