You can use your towels 3 to 4 times, but then they really need to get washed. Towels are designed for heavy use, but they will start smelling after only a few showers. Especially if you don’t let them air. Make sure you hang them out after use, so they can dry up quickly. If […]

We recommend washing your comforters twice a year! Even though you use your comforters every day, they are protected by a sheet or duvet cover, and bodily scents, oils and skin flakes usually don’t touch the comforter. So that means, you can wash them less often. Unless accidents happen, it would be sufficient to wash […]

Are you the laundry queen? Can you do it all? Can your child become whoever she wants to be? What about you? Did you become whoever you wanted to be? If you didn’t why would your daughter be? Are you teaching her she can focus on her career and let the kitchen be for what […]

It’s very common nowadays to hire a cleaner to clean your house, groceries get delivered. Most people don’t have their own gardener, but hire someone to keep it up. And what about your car? Do you wash your car every week yourself? Or do you take it to a carwash? The houses we live in […]